Tuesday, February 17, 2009

if you give a mouse a cookie

The folks at Synchronicity Performance Group have a lot going on right now. I recently posted about their show "Looking for the Pony", and they're also running a kids show called "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". Based on the book by Laura Joffee Numeroff, it's a fast-paced, fun-filled tale of mischief.

The props are whimsical, the acting is high-energy, and there were lots of giggles from the little ones in the audience. Hooray! If you're not a parent, you should quickly have some kids or borrow some, and go see this show.


Courtney said...

This looks like all of my childhood imaginings come to life! I must see it!

Stephanie P said...

Oh hey! That's Brent, one of my former students from Oglethorpe! Small world eh?