Tuesday, November 18, 2008

chauncey rocket!

I'm crazy happy to announce that Mary and Dan's little fella has been born, and everyone is doing great! We all know what awesome parents these two are gonna be. Little what's-his-name is very lucky. They've narrowed it down to two names, but haven't decided yet. Until they make a choice, I've decided to call him Chauncey Rocket. When he's old enough to understand adult babbling, I'm sure he'll wonder why I STILL call him Chauncey Rocket.

Here are some pics from our hospital visit...

Dan is all up in the dad business. While we were there, he handled a diaper change, dressing the baby, and swaddled with stunning precision.

50% laugh. 50% pain. Since it hurts Mary a bit when she laughs really hard, naturally we tried to make her laugh as much as possible. She has terrible taste in friends.

Widdi, Rene, Chauncey Rocket, Dan, and Matt.



Susie (-Stanton) +Scully said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what joy!

VOlady said...

Congrats Dan and Mary! It simply is NOT fair that you have a professional photographer, however.

tim habeger said...

HW is such a looker, I'm almost able to forgive him for coming out when he did and making me lose a dollar on the birth-day pool.
He really is cool. How great!

maryk said...

of course you know i think these are awesome.
i also like hearing "HW," Tim. Wright is after my dad's middle name, and his first name was Harold, and sometimes he went by H.W. When he wasn't going by Doby. lot of nicknames going on....